David Fyans
David Fyans is a Scottish artist with a deep and profound connection to sound, sculpture and the still and moving image. He deals in sound, ritual, performance, installation, text and still and moving images to convey the conceptual ideas behind his work. His main influences lean towards subconscious interventions, mysticism, psychology, psychogeography, extra-dimensional and liminal spaces and ruminations on time and our understanding of it.
David Fyans performs sculptural audio, ritual performance pieces and improvised works regularly along with both digital and physical releases as under his own name, and formerly as Erstlaub, on Broken20, Highpoint lowlife, Moving Furniture and CONV and has performed live in Germany, London, Brighton and throughout Scotland.
He currently lives and works by the sea in Arbroath, on the East-Coast of Scotland.
Releases by David Fyans on Moving Furniture Records
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Erstlaub – Broadcasting On Ghost Frequencies