The people over at The Liminal found some time to write a review on the Rose & Sandy cd Play Cat’s Cradle and it has become raving one. To summarize their words: go grab it while you can…
Rose & Sandy is a new coupling of Ruaridh Law and Dave Donnelly, two denizens of the fecund Scottish experimental electronic scene. In previous incarnations (together in The Marcia Blaine School for Girls, Law as/in TVO, The Village Orchestra and Accrual, Donnelly as a DJ and as Production Unit), both have worked across the whole gamut of the electronic music spectrum, from minimalist techno oriented beatscapes to longer sculpted ambient pieces. But Play Cat’s Cradle is something else entirely. 5 single-take live recordings of a zither-like instrument, stitched together to form a strange, beautiful whole. The result is a thing of huge resonance and oddly devotional scope.Read the rest at