Hi friends,
There is some good news and bad news. This is going be quite a long newsletter to explain some things, hope you will take the time to read it all.
Let’s start with the bad news.
Orphax – De Tragedie van een Liedjesschrijver Zonder Woorden
As some of you know I have been working on a release called “De Tragedie van een liedjesschrijver Zonder Woorden” which should have been released in October last year for quite some time. In August last year this CD went to my contact person in Poland who helped me out with the CD-pressing plant (which he also did with previous releases). Though, instead of using the money I paid him to do this for the release he used it for other purposes thinking that all would be cool eventually because for another project he would get art-funding from the Polish government. Well, as you can guess now he never got the funds for the project. Since contact has been bad, almost non-existent between my contact person and me. And I have no clue when I can expect the CD to arrive, if it ever will.
Due to this it has been awfully quiet from Moving Furniture Records the past months, that while I would rather be working on new plans and new releases (as there are a few great demos I want to release). At this point I don’t really know how to go on with the label without finding new funds (or getting my CD to sell enough copies to do a new release). This does not mean I quit with the label, ‘cause I won’t. It just means things will take more time than wanted.
Read below about how I will try to get some funds for the label and how you can help me with it.
Anyhow, listen to two songs from the album (if the players do not show, you can follow the links):
Now on with the good news.
Moving Furniture Records Presents Tiago Sousa & Ti Femme live at MFR HQ
MFR will present and afternoon with Tiago Sousa from Portugal who will perform a show on piano and Ti Femme (Helena Sanders) who will perform a show on accordion. Between the two live sets there will also be a short screening of one of the video works by Zeno van den Broek (Machinist).
Read more info about the show and artists at https://www.facebook.com/events/195694403879842/
The event will be on Sunday May 6th in the afternoon.
Doors open at 15:00 and the first act will be at 15:30, expected end of the show is 18:00.
We ask a 5 euro donation for entrance to pay the musicians that will play.
Because I only have space for approximately 25 people it is recommend to make a reservation for the show which can be done by replying to this e-mail (or just sending one to info@movingfurniturerecords.com ). If you didn’t make a reservation and it is full it is bad luck, so be wise and make a reservation.
More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/195694403879842/
A/V Club with Geoff Mullen, Concern and Matar Dolores at MKZ, Amsterdam.
On May 20th there will be a show at MKZ organized by A/V Club that MFR is helping setting up. This will be a show with Geoff Mullen (Type Records), Concern (Digitals Industries, Home Normal) and Matar Dolores. More info on this show soon on the website and on facebook so keep an eye open for this one. Though, make a note in your agenda already.
Machinist video interview for Avant-garde Diaries
Zeno van den Broek, who is the musician behind Machinist, was asked for the amazing Avant-Garde Diaries to talk about his music and inspiration.
Check out the video, it is worth it.
And of course you can still order Zeno his CD “Of What Once Was”.
More Orphax news (and how to help me fund new releases on MFR)
As I already said I am looking for new ways to fund future releases (as some really really good stuff arrived at my doorstep). Because of this I will be releasing two new very limited CD-R releases soon. Both are now in the working and are for now untitled, but it will be a 3” CD-R and a normal sized CD-R release (in a nice metal box). Both will be limited to 50 pieces and will be 7 and 8 euro (excluding shipping, more on that when they do arrive).
I expect to release both CD-R’s within the next two weeks.
Orphax – A Room With A View
Some time ago I let you all know that I was out of all “A Room With A View” copies, but I managed to get another 7 copies.
You can order them by sending an e-mail. When these are gone it is sold-out for real. Price of the CD-R is 7,58 euro in Europe and 7,90 for the rest of the world (incl. shipping).
Want to support but don’t like CD’s and LP’s?
Or you have found a (illegal) download from some website you can get music through the Bandcamp websites.
You can get most of the releases through these websites, and from the Orphax bandcamp some releases are also for free.
And if you just want to support Moving Furniture Records you can also send donations with paypal to info@movingfurniturerecords.com
So that’s all for now. Soon more info on the new releases and the live shows.
All the best,